Accredited Oncology Massage Practitioners Diploma (Massage for those with cancer)

Therapists have in the past been taught that cancer is a contraindication to massage. There is no evidence to support this, there is however great evidence to support that an adapted massage can be a safe and hugely beneficial treatment.

“Some people worry that massage can spread cancer cells throughout the body via the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is a network of vessels, organs and nodes through which lymphatic fluid (lymph) flows. It is part of the body’s immune system. Lymphatic circulation occurs naturally as we move.

Cancer may spread (metastasise) into the lymphatic system via the lymph nodes, or it may start in the lymphatic system itself. However, the circulation of lymph – from massage or other movement – does not cause cancer to spread. Researchers have shown that cancer develops and spreads because of changes to a cell’s DNA (genetic mutations) and other processes in the body.”

At the Glasgow School of Massage we strongly feel that people affected by cancer are not excluded from massage but instead therapists seek additional training to include.

That is why this course has been developed.
This course examines;
-The Myths-Dispelling the Myths
-The history, philosophical and ethical approaches to massage for those affected by cancer.
-The benefits of massage for this client group
-Professional and legal issues
-Cancer specific contraindications, cautions and care
-Introduction to cancer, staging, grading and how cancer spreads
-Different types of cancer treatments and their side effects
-How to adapt a massage depending on treatments, needs and side effects
-The cancer diagnosis and the effects of this on the individual and family
-Consultation and consent
-Self Care
-You will learn a safe massage routine with no or few contraindications.
Plus much more…


The course will be theory and practical based and the content has been selected to suit the scope of therapists wishing to work in a clinical, hospital or hospice environment as well as therapists wishing to include this client group in private practice.

This course has been developed by and is taught by Rachel Black, a experienced therapist who is specialised in Oncology Massage, she currently works in a cancer support centre on the campus of Scotland’s specialist cancer hospital, this field of oncology massage is constantly evolving and cancer treatments ever updating so the information you receive will always be the most up to date.

Rachel previously worked in a palliative care Hospice and has taught oncology massage for the last six years.

You will also receive free mentoring from Rachel by email and phone if and when needed after this course.

This is an advanced course for qualified massage Therapists wishing to develop their skills further.

You will be assessed both formally and informally during your course.  You will be required to submit 3 X 3 client case studies with an open book exam which will be marked before receiving your Diploma.

Course Fees; £300 includes all course materials and unlimited post course mentoring by phone or email. 

FHT Accredited

We can also train your staff on site. For groups or colleges please contact us at

This course is one contact day of training and one or two (depending on your pace)  home study days prior to attending the course. Followed by your case studies.

After completing your qualification you will be added to an oncology massage therapists database so clients with a cancer diagnosis can be signposted to you.

The following spas have undergone our oncology massage training and all can adapt treatments safely and confidently for clients with cancer or a cancer history .

In Dundee’s Apex Hotel
Emirates Arena Glasgow
Skinfiniti-Concept Day Spa