FHT Accredited Baby Massage Instructors Diploma

Massage training with the Wavestone

As a certified baby massage instructor you have the  unique opportunity to help parents and caregivers to bond with their babies through the use of the age old tradition of baby massage.
Teaching Baby Massage is a rewarding opportunity, promoting well being and enhancing bonding and attachment between babies and their caregivers.
With baby massage we use touch, our first language, to enhance our expression of love, caring and respect to aid in the bonding process.  Touch is an babies first form of communication and through massage we can effectively communicate as well as understand what an infant is saying to us.

Infant massage assists in the growth and development of baby’s body, mind and spirit. In addition, it can bring relief to complaints of colic, constipation, respiratory disorders and sleeping difficulties.
Many of the parents and caregivers who have participated in our baby massage classes report that their child has experienced more restful sleep, longer napping periods and better digestion. As a massage teacher, You car be the one helping families to have such positive experience.

Through working as a Certified Baby Massage Teacher you have the special opportunity to impact an infant and their family for a lifetime. This professional training is for those interested in working with families by becoming a certified baby massage instructor. This role is not only an instructor, but also an educator who teaches the art of baby massage to parents or caregivers in the presence of their babies.

You will learn about the history and global use of baby massage as a parenting practice, infant massage techniques and methodology, benefits for both infants and caregivers, current research and the importance of communication and attachment in building healthy emotional relationships.
You will learn techniques for setting up and marketing successful infant massage classes, and how to best reach families.

This course includes;

  • Anatomy and physiology study (Not required for qualified Massage therapists)

-The Anatomy and Physiology 90 hours learning and assessments.

-Pathology is 30 hours of learning and assessments.

  • Precourse reading (One day)
  • One day in class training
  • Case studies on Clients-Students teach and write up feedback and reflections of 2 x 5-week course (Class size 3 adults & 3 babies minimum)

Course cost; £300 without Anatomy and physiology or £370 with Anatomy and Physiology.

Your Anatomy and Physiology should be booked via this link once you have booked onto this course if you don’t currently hold this qualification. 


Baby Massage Doll is not provided which you should purchase in advance for your classes and bring on the day. This should be a regular sized (3-4 months) professional demonstration doll like those seen here; 
