To book a course or treatment please click the button below to view the scheduler.

Book Your Place

Courses times are as follows;

Oncology Massage Diploma & Massage for people with dementia-9.30am-5pm

Advanced One day courses 10.30am-5pm (Smaller classes may finish earlier)

Introduction to Massage Workshop 10.30pm-1.30pm

Indian Head Massage 9.30am-4.30pm

IMPORTANT RE YOUR CERTIFICATE – Please input your name as you would like them shown on your certificate.


Please remember to send copies of your Anatomy and Physiology and Level 3 (SCQF level 6) full body massage qualifications before the course, we cannot accept you onto the advanced massage course without first checking these before your course date.

These can be scaned or photographed and e-mailed to

PLEASE NOTE – All course manuals are included in the price of the course – you will get a bound hard copy course manual given to you on the day of your course.

Equipment and models are provided for training on the day however no equipment is provided to take home.

Times listed are approximate times, please note we may finish slightly later than stated.

On the day of your course, please call me on the following mobile number: 07717590514 if you are running even a little late. We have a lot to cover over the day and classes begin promptly at the times shown, so please do allow plenty of time to get to us – thank you.

IMPORTANT NOTE: We have a lot to cover so in fairness to all students, if you arrive more than 30 minutes late you will not be permitted to join the class and your course fee including the deposit will be lost.

You will have a lunch break and may wish to bring a packed lunch.


There are two doors into the office block.

1455 Maryhill Road which is the same entrance as the citizens advice. Please go to the first floor (There is a ramp and lift if needed)Then please follow the signs to room number 19.

If you are attending on a Saturday please come to the door on Gairbraid Avenue (Number 1) and contact us for the access code.

If you cancel your place the cost of your course that you have paid to The Glasgow School of Massage is non-transferable and non-refundable unless under specialist medical circumstances – further information can be found at the end of this email with regards to full booking conditions.


If for any reason you have to cancel your place on the course due to specialist health circumstances , please provide your tutor with written notice and a doctors letter and we will refund your booking fee with a voucher or book you on another date.

The Glasgow School of Massage can not take responsibility for students forgetting, attending late, work or childcare commitments and any courses cancelled or failed to attend for any other reasons other than specialist health concerns with a doctors letter will not be refunded.


Important – We put your safety and comfort first at all times and as with any treatments there are contraindications to consider which MAY affect you attending / your involvement/participation on the course. This also applies for all the other students on the course and anyone modeling for you.

If you have any concerns we are happy to cover these before the course.

Please confirm if you have ANY health issues or are under treatment from your GP or another medical practitioner.

For any questions or queries please contact us on or 07717590514.