Hot Stone Massage is an integrative therapy which uses soothing oils, warm basalt lava stones which retain heat when warmed to relax muscles. The process stimulates circulation, lymph flow and metabolism, softens and relaxes tight muscles and melts and frees fascial restrictions.

The result is a profound sense of balance and well-being on all levels. Since the heat does some of the work, and the stone can be used as a tool and the therapist’s body will also benefit.

Hot stone massage employs a variety of strokes and techniques using the stones and hands, working over muscles. Clients are unlikely to feel the intensity, since their muscles will be relaxed by the heat of the stones.

This one day course runs between 10.30am-5pm.

This is an accredited one day massage course. The prerequisites of this course are that the student holds an accredited body massage and anatomy and physiology certificate.

There are no written exams and no case studies are required for this course. Certificate will be given on the day on completion of a successful practical assessment.

Course cost £150